June 22, 2021
Morning Sessions: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Afternoon Sessions: 12:30 – 3:30 PM
Registration Deadline: June 1, 2021
Are you a high school student and not sure what you want to do after high school or would just like to explore some careers?
Southwest Tech is excited to offer the Charger Tech Academy for students entering 9th–12th grade in the 2021-2022 school year! Learn about career options and programs through interactive, hands-on activities led by Southwest Tech instructors.
The $20 material fee for the day includes a Charger Tech Academy t-shirt, session supplies, and lunch. Register early! Sessions are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Registration: Registration is now closed
Join us next year!
Tuesday, June 22 - Morning Session (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.):
Lineman Challenge
Joe Randall & Kyle McKorkle (maximum 12 participants)
Come operate a truck with a remote control while learning how to be a lineman. This session will allow you to operate a digger derrick truck via remote while building overhead and underground electrical distribution systems from the ground up. What makes it so easily understandable is that short power poles will be installed so you will be constructing the lines at eye level. You will work in crews, learning how teamwork is a big part of a lineman’s day, and how each member of the team depends on others in the crew to get the job done safely and successfully. You will be exposed to lineman tools, gear, line trade equipment, and learn the many different types of knots linemen use on a daily basis. Electrical safety will also be covered.
Kathy Witzig (maximum 20 participants)
The Human Services Associate program trains students to provide information, support, care, and advocacy in a human service setting. This session will focus on one area of student training related to the program. You will learn the definition of “a drink”, that alcohol is a drug, and what it really costs (yes monetary, but also other costs, such as relationships, jobs, education, etc.) to use, abuse, or become dependent upon alcohol or other drugs.
Exploring the Wonderful World of Nursing
Pam Bartels, Maria Kindrai, and Gin Reynolds (maximum 10 participants)
During this session, you will learn about the history of nursing and nursing career opportunities, including a discussion related to salaries. Tour Southwest Tech’s Simulator Lab and interact with the hands-on patient simulator and anatamage table. The morning will be rounded out with Nursing Olympics.
Intro to Stir-Fry Cooking
Christina Hill (maximum 12 participants)
Receive instruction regarding food safety, personal hygiene, equipment and utensils use, and the history of stir-fry cooking. You will then create a stir-fry dish with a side of egg rolls following proper weights and measurements, cooking principles, and ingredient information.
Tuesday, June 22 - Afternoon Sessions (12:30 - 3:30 p.m.):
Barb McCormick (maximum 8 participants)
Take this opportunity to explore areas of the cosmetology industry and learn basic braiding techniques and quick updo styles. Fun with nail art will provide nails and supplies to practice a French manicure and nail art techniques. Other activities may be included as time permits.
Ed Anderson (maximum 14 participants)
Learn about the knowledge and skills needed in several welding processes used in fabrication and construction industries. During the session, shop safety and welding processes with a variety of metals will be covered. You will learn to identify materials, operate equipment properly, practice correct procedures, test for strength and appearance, and receive an introduction to blueprints and measuring. You will complete a fabrication project that will be specified by the instructor.
Karl Sandry (maximum 15 participants)
Participate in a vehicle extrication evolution. There will be basic instruction in safety and vehicle extrication operations. You will then get the chance to use extrication tools during the evolution to extricate a trapped victim from a vehicle.
Christina Hill (maximum 12 participants)
Receive instruction regarding food safety, personal hygiene, equipment and utensils use, and the history of pie making. You will then make a homemade pie with apple pie filling following proper weights and measurements, cooking principles, and ingredient information.