Please sumbit this form and a copy of your textbook purchase receipt(s) to Disability Resources at least 3 weeks prior to class beginning. Please contact Christena Bowers, Disability Services, with questions,

Every field must be completed for each book requested in order for the E-Book request to be processed.

Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.

Student Information

Please enter your student ID # or username. example: 5551222 or smi1234

E-Books Requested

Completion of all fields is required for each E-Book requested. Most information (author, publisher, edition, copyright year, ISBN) can be found on the title page, located in the first few pages of the textbook. Note the title page may be two pages long. The 13 digit ISBN number can also be found on the back cover of the book in the lower right hand corner. It is very important to copy the ISBN number correctly. If you are unable to locate any of the required information, please type the word “Help” in that field and contact Disability Services for assistance after submitting the form.

E-Book requests can take up to two weeks to fulfill. Once the request has been filled, the E-Book will be added to the Disability Resources Course found in your Schoology account. Please check Schoology regularly for your E-Book request fulfillment.

Supporting Documentation

Proof of purchase of your textbooks is required prior to Disability Services starting the process to request your E-Books. This can be accomplished in the following ways: upload a copy or picture of your receipt to this form or stop into Disability Services to show your receipt or purchased textbooks.

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    By submitting my name and date, I indicate my agreement with the following responsibilities and terms. I am qualified to receive texts in electronic format. I agree the electronic books I receive will be used solely for my own educational purposes and will not be shared. I have or will provided proof of purchase prior to receiving electronic books.
