11-12-14 Nursing
The CollEDGE Up 11-12-14 Nursing option allows high school students to take nursing courses during high school and enter into the second year of the Nursing Program at Southwest Tech.
Planned Course Rotation
Semester | Course | Credits | Course Number |
Fall 1 | Medical Terminology | 3 | 10-501-101 |
Fall 1 | Fundamental of Chemistry | 2 | 10-806-109 |
Fall 1 | Nursing Assistant^ | 3 | 30-543-300 |
Spring 1 | General A&P | 4 | 10-806-177 |
Spring 1 | Developmental Psychology | 3 | 10-809-188 |
Summer 1 | Oral/Interpersonal Communication | 3 | 10-801-196 |
Fall 2 | Nursing Fundamentals* | 2 | 10-543-101 |
Fall 2 | Nursing Skills | 3 | 10-543-102 |
Spring 2 | Nursing Pharmacology* | 2 | 10-543-103 |
Spring 2 | NSG: Intro Clinical Practice | 2 | 10-543-104 |
Summer 2 | Written Communication | 3 | 10-801-195 |
Fall 3 | Nursing Health Alterations* | 3 | 10-543-105 |
Fall 3 | NSG: Clin Care Across Lifespan | 2 | 10-543-107 |
Spring 3 | Nursing Health Promotion* | 3 | 10-543-106 |
Spring 3 | NSG: Intro Clinical Care Mgmt | 2 | 10-543-108 |
Spring 3 | Adv Anatomy & Physiology | 4 | 10-806-179 |
Total | Year One Complete!!! | 44 |
* Student may enroll in online section if cumulative Southwest Tech GPA is 3.2 or higher (online option is available only if minimum 11-12-14 Nursing program enrollment for core program courses is met).
^ Nursing assistant course is at regular price and does not waive completion and activity fee. Students will enroll in section that bests meets their schedule and full cost will be billed to district.
Nursing Foundation is the first year of the CollEDGE Up Nursing program regardless of the student’s high school grade level. It includes the courses of Medical Terminology, Fundamentals of Chemistry, General A & P, CNA and Developmental Psychology. These courses must be successfully completed along with the HESI exam for students to be accepted into the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program and enter the Nursing Core courses.
- Foundation Courses Fall 2022 (Fall 1)
Course instruction will be delivered online with an added resource of recorded video lectures that may be viewed at any time. While there is not a dedicated class meeting time for Fall 1 and Spring 1 CollEDGE 11-12-14 Nursing courses (foundation courses), Southwest Tech encourages students to set aside time in their school day during a study hall or as a class in their course schedule to allow time to work on coursework during the day. Below is an example of how this might look for fall semester for a student enrolled in two program courses.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:10 - 8:58 HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course 9:02 - 9:50 HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course 9:54 - 10:42 CollEDGE Up – Medical Terminology CollEDGE Up – Medical Terminology CollEDGE Up – Medical Terminology CollEDGE Up – Medical Terminology CollEDGE Up – Medical Terminology 10:46 - 11:31 HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course 11:31 - 11:57 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 12:01 - 12:49 Study Hall Study Hall Study Hall Study Hall Study Hall 12:53 - 1:41 HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course 1:45 - 2:33 HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course HS Course 2:37 - 3:25 CollEDGE Up – Fund of Chemistry CollEDGE Up – Fund of Chemistry CollEDGE Up – Fund of Chemistry CollEDGE Up – Fund of Chemistry CollEDGE Up – Fund of Chemistry - Core Courses Fall 2022 (Fall 2)
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00 - 10:20 Nursing Skills F2F at Southwest Tech** 10:30-11:20 Recommended Work/Study Time for Nursing Fundamentals & Nursing Skills Recommended Work/Study Time for Nursing Fundamentals & Nursing Skills Recommended Work/Study Time for Nursing Fundamentals & Nursing Skills Recommended Work/Study Time for Nursing Fundamentals & Nursing Skills Recommended Work/Study Time for Nursing Fundamentals & Nursing Skills 11:30 - 12:00 12:00 - 2:20 Online Lecture 2:20 - 5:00 5:00 - 7:00 Nursing Fundamentals F2F at Southwest Tech
Notes Specific to the 11-12-14 Nursing CollEDGE Up Program:
- Prior to acceptance in the 11-12-14 core nursing program courses (Associate Degree Nursing – Part-time Program) as a high school junior or senior, all interested students will need to make arrangements to take the HESI exam on Southwest Tech’s campus. All first attempts at the HESI exam need to be completed by February 15. Students must meet the minimum HESI requirements and must have successfully completed the foundation courses.
- The nine week nursing assistant program requires students to complete 54 hours of clinical time (normally after 4 pm and is a required attendance). NOTE: Nursing Assistant course is at regular tuition and fee cost.
- For the core nursing program courses, the books will become the property of the student as these are used in multiple program courses; have a one-time, non-reusable access code; and are needed by the student to prepare for state board exams.
- When students begin nursing program clinical, they will occur on Wednesday and/or Thursday (day and evening hours), Friday and/or Saturday. Students interested in this track must commit to and have the ability to attend the classes at the scheduled locations.
- When students begin nursing core classes, they will be offered in the evenings or on Saturday. Students must commit to and have the ability to attend the classes at this time if cumulative Southwest Tech GPA is below 3.2. If cumulative GPA is 3.2 or higher, the student may instead choose to enroll in the online course section. A 3.2 GPA must be maintained to continue in online courses in each subsequent semester of program participation. This latter option will be available only if minimum enrollment number is met for 11-12-14 Nursing core courses (Fall 2 semester and beyond).
- Upon completion of the CollEDGE Up 11-12-14 Nursing Program (44 credits), students will continue enrollment in the ADN – Part-time Program following high school graduation to complete the 2nd year program requirements.
- It is important to progress through courses as outlined. Not doing so will result in additional time to complete degree.