Southwest Tech affirms that the education and training it offers is designed to enable students to acquire the occupational skills training necessary for full participation in the workforce. To further help graduates to obtain job entry competencies, Southwest Tech provides guaranteed retraining to eligible graduates of one-year technical diploma, two-year technical diploma, and associate degree programs.

Employed Graduate

An employed graduate who lacks target job competencies normally expected of a job entry-level employee may receive guaranteed retraining.

Eligibility Guidelines

  • The employee must have graduated from an eligible program.
  • The Wisconsin employer must certify in writing that the employee lacks necessary job entry-level skills, specifying the area(s) of skill deficiency within 90 days of the graduate's initial employment.

Unemployed Graduate

A graduate who has not secured employment within six months following graduation may receive guaranteed retraining.

Eligibility Guidelines
The graduate must have done the following to be eligible for retraining:

  • Graduated from an eligible program.
  • Actively worked with Southwest Tech's Career Connections Center staff.
  • Actively pursued employment in the graduate's occupational field or a related field.
  • Contacted Southwest Tech in writing within six months after graduation.
  • Not have refused employment opportunities in the target occupational field.

Retraining Guidelines

  • A college team shall be available to assist the graduate on retraining courses and services as appropriate.
  • Retraining instruction must be in credit courses only.
  • Retraining is limited to a maximum of six credits.
  • Retraining instruction may not be in a new occupational program.

Funding Guidelines

Guaranteed retraining covers only program and materials fees.